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          Audit Committee: List of Members & Terms of Reference

          Date:2016-08-28     source:

          Audit Committee:List of Members
          Mr. TSE Hau Yin(Chairman)
          Mr. KO Ming Tung
          Mr. LU Xin
          Audit Committee:Terms of Reference
          An audit committee was established by the Board in 1999 (the 揂udit Committee?) with its written terms of reference. The Audit Committee currently comprises three Independent Non-executive Directors of the Company. The Chairman of the Audit Committee is Mr. TSE Hau Yin, Aloysius and the other members are Mr. KO Ming Tung, Edward and Mr. LU Xin.
          The terms of reference of the Audit Committee, which have been revised in accordance with the Corporate Governance Code became effective on 1 April 2012, are described as follows:

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