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          Mr. KO Ming Tung,Edward

          Date:2020-05-20     source:

          Mr. KO Ming Tung, Edward – Independent Non-executive Director and the Chairman of Nomination Committee

          Mr. KO Ming Tung, Edward, aged 59, was appointed as an Independent Non-executive Director of the Company in April 2000. He is also the Chairman of the Nomination Committee and a member of the Audit Committee and the Remuneration Committee of the Company. Mr. Ko obtained an external bachelor of Laws degree from the University of London in the United Kingdom in August 1986 and is a member of The Law Society of Hong Kong. Mr. Ko is the principal of Messrs. Edward Ko & Company and has been practicing as a solicitor in Hong Kong for more than 28 years.
          Other than the directorship in the Company, currently, Mr. Ko is also an independent non-executive director of Wai Chun Group Holdings Limited, EverChina Int’l Holdings Company Limited, Chia Tai Enterprises International Limited and Sterling Group Holdings Limited, all of which are companies whose shares are listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange in Hong Kong. In the last three years, Mr. Ko was an independent non-executive director of Chinese Energy Holdings Limited and Zioncom Holdings Limited, whose shares are listed on the GEM Board of the Stock Exchange in Hong Kong.
